Logo Te Creemos

Equity Investment

Logo de Inversión Patrimonial

Strengthen your Equity Investment
with us!

Your investment in social development.

Choose the frequency of the term and safely obtain renewal or liquidity at the end of the chosen term.
Open your account with $ 50,000 pesos.

Invest Now!

For More Information

*Required fields.

Invest with Us

How much do you want to invest?

Select Investment Range

Indicate the Exact Quantity

The More You Invest The More You Earn!

Choose the Rate and Term that Suits You Best

Start Saving

Fixed annual rate 9.25%, before taxes (amount of $ 50,000 pesos for a term of 24 months), for informational and comparison purposes, nominal GAT 9.65% and real GAT 5.72% before taxes, for informational and comparison purposes. Calculation date October 31, 2021. Effective from October 31, 2021 to April 30, 2022.
"The Real GAT is the yield that you would obtain after discounting the estimated inflation."

Product protected up to 25,000 UDIS by the Protection Fund.
Consult GAT.

*Approximate amounts calculated with 30 days average per month, monthly interest capitalization BEFORE TAX, for informational purposes.

Know the Advantages of Investing with Us

  • You can have more than one investment account.

You can have more than one investment account.
Your money is insured with us.

  • Fixed rate according to the amount invested.

Fixed rate according to the amount invested.
Interest is compounded on a monthly basis.

  • Withdraw or reinvest your money at the end of the term of your investment.

Withdraw or reinvest your money at the end of the term of your investment.

  • No commissions for opening, monthly payment, annuity or withdrawal.

No commissions for opening, monthly payment, annuity or withdrawal.

Strengthen your Equity Investment with us!

Invest Now!


  • Official identification.
  • Proof of address.
  • Minimum opening amount of $ 50,000
  • CURP.

For more information: 800 400 2233


Frequent Questions

You only need to have a valid official identification and the minimum opening amount. Approach one of our executives and he will help you through the process.

You can start your investment from $ 50,000 and have the confidence that your investment will always be safe.

Once your investment has been made, you will be able to have your money plus the interest generated at the end of the selected term.

Yes, you only need to have the minimum opening amount and a parent or guardian to accompany you during the investment process.

The returns on your investment are according to the amount invested and the selected term.

Equity Investment

Notice of Privacy

Product protected up to 25,000 UDIS by the Protection Fund. In case of any query, claim or clarification, you can contact the User Service UNE at the phone 5555842233 Ext. 1294 and email une@tecreemos.com; or you can consult the CONDUSEF on their website www.condusef.gob.mx, phones: 5553400999 and 8009998080, and email asesoria@condusef.gob.mx